Hello. This is Erwin Indrawan aka Eindraw.
I’m a sign painter, hand lettering artist and illustrator from Indonesia. I’ve been doing this craft since 2013
and just like this website, I’m still a work in progress.
Blog Post
Sign Painting For Beginners – Part 3
Part three of Sign Painting tutorial is about block letter alphabets executed with single-stroke method and built-up method.
Phew! Finally I have a website!
To be honest, I wanted to have a website since 2015 but I always found excuses not to do it.
For the past four years, hand lettering has became a big part of my life so I think a personal website will be my next step in my lettering journey and hopefully to present myself better in front of my friends and clients.
My lettering journey started in 2013 when I discovered calligraphy. Fast forward to 2015, I found a lettering art form called Sign Painting and I got hooked instantly! Well not ‘instantly’ because having no access to sign painting workshop in my home country (Indonesia) or any sign painter who can teach me how to do it got me frustrated as a complete beginner. So I gave up practicing for a year, and in 2016 I finally tried it again with correct method: learning from the basics. I practiced systematically from the level of difficulty from the basic strokes to the actual lettering.
I finally had the confidence to take a sign painting project in 2017 and continue to do so until today. I’m still learning of course, because any art forms will take a lifetime to master but, as they say, the fun part is the journey not just the destination.
What I’m trying to tell you is there’s no magic ring (hehe sorry), everyone was once a beginner who hustled to achieve what they want. I’m no expert by any means, I still have much to improve but I want to tell you that patience and persistence still matter, especially today where anything is seemingly easy and instant.
If you’re here because you’re following my work on Instagram, I just want to thank you for your support. You have been an immeasurable source of energy for me every day and I will continue to share my knowledge or anything that’s worthy of your time.
God bless,